
Items are only eligible for a full refund if they’re received in new and unworn condition.
Returns received in used condition will receive no credit. We will contact you and hold the item for 7 days – you must provide a shipping label to have the item(s) returned.
Closeout / final sale items cannot be returned.

You can open a return within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund, store credit, or exchange.

Upon opening a return request, you will be emailed a prepaid shipping label from UPS. You must pack and seal the items in suitable packaging prior to arriving at the carrier drop-off location; they will not pack your items for you.

We offer a one-time exchange for a different size of the same item. Please note, exchanges are limited to size variations only; we cannot accommodate exchanges for different colors or different items.

Should you require a return after an exchange has been made, please be aware that the item will be subject to a restocking fee. Any refund issued in this case will be issued to the original payment method on the original order.

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